About Us

The Cairn Terrier Breed Council, registered in 2023, originated from the UK Joint Cairn Terrier Clubs Judges Working Party which was established by the clubs in 1998. The Breed Council meets twice a year with the AGM being held prior to the first meeting and is represented by delegates (who have either awarded or have been passed to award CC’s in Cairns) of all six Clubs.

The Breed Council is funded by contributions from all six clubs. It provides a conduit to express concerns and ideas which are put forward by clubs. All clubs can put forward items for the agenda to raise awareness of a particular concern and where a joint approach would be advantageous.

Should a club member wish to put an item on the agenda they should put it to their club in the first instance where it will be put on the agenda of the club’s committee meeting and if deemed appropriate will then be put forward by the club to the council.

This Breed Council is the central point of contact for the Kennel Club.


Phone Number
Email Address
ChairMrs Maxine Bennett01295 266557maximalcairns123@gmail.com
SecretaryMrs Susan Kinton0118 988 3358skinton@btinternet.com
Assistant SecretaryMrs Linda Firth01623 472177linda.firth@sky.com
TreasurerMrs Frances Goldfinch01304 851818goldfinch74@btinernet.com
BECMrs Linda Firth01623 472177linda.firth@sky.com