Judging & Judges


All judging enquiries and applications to be made to Breed Education Co Ordinator (BEC)

Mrs Linda Firth – email linda.firth@sky.com 

2 systems run in tandem until 31 December 2025 after which the only route for judges to progress will be the Judges Education Programme

  1. The Traditional route of progression through the B, A3, A2 & A1 Lists – this will end on 31 December 2025.
  2. The new Judges Education Programme  introduced by the  Kennel Club  on 1 January 2021. This system to appoint and progress judges was introduced by the Kennel Club in 2021.  From then until 31 December 2025 this system runs alongside the traditional route.  From 2026 there will be no need for any breed club or council to maintain judges lists but they may do so if they wish. The following explains the system in detail https://www.thekennelclub.org.uk/events-and-activities/dog-showing/judging-dog-shows/


If you do not expect to meet the old A3 criteria by 31 December 2025 then please consider your existing qualifications and consider the criteria for the new Judges Education programme. 


K C Academy – The breed specific film about the Cairn Terrier and its history can be found under breed specific films in the KC Academy

The Illustrated Guide to the Cairn Terrier can be found here :-

Illustrated Guide to the Cairn Terrier

Current Traditional List Followed by Judges Education Programme Judges List

Breed Council Judging Lists – last updated 6 October 2024

Any amendments and updates should be forwarded to linda.firth@sky.com

Traditional Judging System - A1 Breed Specialists
NameLocation, Tel number & email
Mrs M BennettOX16 9ES  01295 266557 maximalcairns123@gmail.com
Miss P Carlton-SmithLondon  0208 556 5910
Mrs P ClarkeNotts  07952426898 clarkepat60@gmail.com
Miss S ConfueEast Sussex 0795 026 0683 sharon.confue@gmail.com
Mr R H J CroymanLincolnshire   01529 460074 croyanda@btinternet.com
Mr L DeanNorthern Ireland  028 9445 3018 liammdean@gmail.com
Mrs S DolanOxfordshire  01235 751429 glenrood@btinternet.com
Mrs J FairweatherBicester  01869 322996 ockcairns@yahoo.com
Mr A FeltersDoncaster  01427 848647 afrar_cairns@btinternet.com
Dr A FirthNotts  01623 472177 linda.firth@sky.com
Mrs L FirthNotts  01623 472177 linda.firth@sky.com
Mrs F GoldfinchDover  01304 851818 goldfinch74@btinternet.com
Mr R GoudThe Netherlands  31 320 243013 goud@beanoak.com
Ms H GreenhalghLeics  07597 865031 h.greenhalgh@outlook.com
Mrs M HogartyDublin  00 3531 843 1937 marie@cadagio.com
Miss E HootonPowys  07884 078470 penticharm@btinternet.com
Mrs L HughesDerby  01332 700683 gyncairn@sky.com
Mrs S HuolmanFinland  +358 404835592 huolmansassa@gmail.com
Miss D InettWorcester  07484224192 dawn@carradinecairns.co.uk 
Mrs J KeevesNorthamptonshire  01327 261573
Mr I M KettleDorset  01202 826035 glenbraecairns@hotmail.co.uk
Mrs S KintonReading  01189 883358 skinton@btinternet.com
Mrs A KippenHampshire  02392 465792 chezakucairns@gmail.com
Mrs S LattoPeterhead  01358 711265 sally.latto@btinternet.com
Mr B MearsDerbyshire  01283 563978 brianmears29@gmail.com
Mr R MundayClackmannanshire  01259 210440 stradivarius@sky.com
Mr A OsbornHampshire 01252 621523  anthony@tweslam.plus.com
Mr P OwenWorcestershire 01562 744874 caldwall@virginmedia.com
Miss A R Parker-TuckerDevon 01392 860804 Ruth.mordue@btinternet.com
Mr G PeersGloucestershire 01453 810097  tweedislecairns@btconnect.com
Ms L PeersGloucestershire 01452 740909 tweedisle@btinternet.com
Mrs J PercyNorthumberland 01670 823015 winetta@btinternet.com
Mr C PettsSouth Yorkshire 01226 212800 julesdelph63@yahoo.co.uk
Mrs J PettsSouth Yorkshire 01226 212800 jules_doonrae@outlook.com
Mrs C RobertsStaffs 01283 712498 chrismroberts1@gmail.com
Mr R A RumensDoncaster 01427 848647 afrar_cairns@btinternet.com
Mrs L SaichSuffolk 01638 721880 linda.saich@yahoo.co.uk
Ms B ShannonHD2 1PU 01484 425494 bdcairns@brenndarcy.co.uk
Mr I L B ShawLanarkshire 07557688081 shawsies@btinternet.com
Mrs M ShoplandHuntingdon 07881702210 cherrycrackcairns@hotmail.co.uk
Mrs E ShortBridgenorth 01746 862323 elaine@glenchess.co.uk
Mrs J SmithAyrshire 01563 821875 rocasovale@sky.com
Mr G ThomasSwansea 01792 898825 tycadnocairns@gmail.com
Mr J WatsonSheffield 01246 433990 jacfieldron@aol.com
Mrs S V WatsonSheffield 01246 433990 jacfieldron@aol.com
Mrs A WaughOxon 07875868678 tribannon@gmail.com
Mrs S J WeinbergerHemel Hempstead 01442 832990
Mr D WinsleyHampshire 01425 479013 davmar@tinyworld.co.uk
Traditional Judging System  - A1 Non-Specialists
NameLocation, Tel number & email
Mr P BakewellDerbyshire 01283 814876 p.bakewell@tiscali.co.uk
Mr K BartlettEssex 01376 344760 ken.bartlett44@gmail.com
Mrs C E CartledgeBerkshire 01344 424144
Mr P EardleyLondon  020 7588 5440    paul.eardley@debenhams.com
Mrs S GoodwinDerbyshire 07788 557806 spitewinterslg@outlook.com
Mr P HorspoolDerbyshire 01283 221919  phillip.horspool67@talktalk.net
Mr T JohnstonDumfriesshire 01461800372 tomstjohn17@yahoo.com
Mrs M JohnstonNorthern Ireland 028 8284 1618 glenveaghwesties@aol.com
Mr F KaneCleveland 01642 485895 frank.kane71@btinternet.com
Mrs E LongdinDoncaster 01302 742254 lizlongdin@hotmail.com
Mr J McGhieHamilton jamesmcghie26@yahoo.co.uk
Mr M OxleySheffield 01142 303949 digelsa@outlook.com
Mr M PhillipsRugby 01988 553394   jaevaterriers@aol.com
Mr S PlaneCo Durham 0191 581 2200
Mr A SmallStaffordshire 01922 410045 alansmall.bethane@talktalk.net
Mr N StrawDevon 01803 540232   neilstraw26@outlook.com
Mr M WalshawCleveland 07780 950843  mwalshaw.janmark@gmail.com
Mr A WightMidlothian 0131 449 3808   albert@sharval.co.uk
Mrs J Yates-JohnsonBedfordshire 0797 0758291   joanne.johnson17@btinternet.com
Traditional Judging System A2 – Breed Specialists
NameLocation, Tel number & email
Mrs V ByrneWarwickshire 01926 678412  ness@toptails.co.uk
Mrs A WaitesDerbyshire 07850 199413  alisonmbcole@gmail.com
Traditional Judging System A2 – Non Specialists
NameLocation, Tel number & email
Miss A BradleyPeterborough 01733205386 montelle@btinternet.com
Miss J MillerLeics 01455 220330 feorlig@sky.com
Mr D PearsonMiddlesborough 01642 814288 darrenpearson2011@live.co.uk
Mr C RichardsonBridgend 07799 262614 skyeman.cr@gmail.com
Mr G TullisMidlothian  0131 449 6600  george.whwt@outlook.com
Traditional Judging System A3 - Non Specialists
NameLocation, Tel number & email
Miss V CoxWarwickshire  01584 319156 vanessa.petitpaws@tinyworld.co.uk
Mrs F SnookBristol 01275332652 james_glyn@btconnect.com
Traditional Judging System  B - Breed Specialists
NameLocation, Tel number & email
Mrs S Carter Canary Islands +34 711051937  sylvia@carernwil-online.co.uk
Mr S CarterCanary Islands +34 711015750 stevecarter1606@gmail.com
Mrs A DaveyWiltshire. 07863 248014   amandadavey61@gmail.com
Mrs D PurvisCambridgeshire  01733 322682   daffandandy@ntlworld.com
Mrs G WrightNorth Yorkshire 01904 635095   gwynne.wright@me.com
Traditional Judging System  B - Non Specialists
NameLocation, Tel number & email
Mr J AsheWest Midlands  0121 355 4562  
Mr B AubreyBridgend  07868 117 374  brianaubrey123@outlook.com
Mr T BallWarks 07850638331 tim_kaitak@sky.com
Miss M BarrassW. Lothian 0131 331 2904   gallondean.skye@btopenworld.com
Mr R BlackleyLiverpool  0151 226 3801  vaevictisterrier@hotmail.com
Dr A BrydenPreston  01772 302238/07803 298038   archie.bryden@yahoo.co.uk
Mrs J EyeingtonCambridgeshire 01354 693358  jane@meadowdale.co.uk
Dr S HemstockLincs  07534668818   sarah_hemstock@hotmail.com
Mr I LayfieldChesterfield  01246 229933 dockwray@gmail.com
Mr M OrdNorthumberland 01434 689072 mark_ord@sky.com
Ms P SandsNorfolk 01263 821416  krakenexis@computer-assist.net
Ms M SargentLeics 01530 249904  marionsargent.tegwani@gmail.com
Miss J T SinghCo Durham 07715748057 jtsvandamere@live.co.uk
Mr M VickersLancashire   01282 428706   mikegvickers64@gmail.com
Mr T WestWest Yorkshire 01977 279962  thomas@tomlyndon.co.uk

Judges Education Programme Judges List

Judges Education Programme Level 1 Specialists
NameLocation, Tel Number & Email
Miss Sarah MundayDoncaster 07771780648  sarah-munday@hotmail.co.uk  
Judges Education Programme Level 2 Specialists
NameLocation, Tel Number & Email
Mrs P GardnerDunfermline  07443 598 442 Pamg.103@googlemail.com
Mr T LundYork 07801 429952 tjandke@googlemail.com
Miss A SaichBury St Edmunds 01638 721880   alisonsaich@yahoo.co.uk
Miss K SaichBury St Edmunds 0794 1061168  lindcoly@yahoo.co.uk
Judges Education Programme Level 1 Non Specialists
NameLocation, Tel Number & Email
Mr S GoodwinLondon 0207 735 4467 vivalanola@sky.com
Miss L HenryOrmskirk 07528201008 trinzy@gmail.com
Judges Education Programme Level 2 Non Specialists
NameLocation, Tel Number & Email
Mr K BaldwinLiverpool 0151 498 4006 k9nightstorm@btinternet.com
Mr N BristowSurrey 07866 2475732 truscottbristow@gmail.com
Miss N FosterMargate 01843 823392 thozow@hotnmail.co.uk
Mr K FrancisWorcs 01584 781942 kgf1066@gmail.com
Ms A Kenny MariottBolton 01204 852934 amkscotties@yahoo.co.uk
Ms J ParadiseCheltenham 07718 671640 jane@sharlow-squad.co.uk
Ms S RichardsonBridgend 07980 375588 saraherichardson@live.co.uk
Mr G RobertsonOxon 07787526576 gavinpbgv@gmail.com
Ms J RobertsonFort William 07724 519226 renevisterriers@gmx.com
Ms M SargentLeics 01530 249904 marionsargent.tegwani@gmail.com
Miss J T SinghCo Durham 07715748057 jtsvandamere@live.co.uk
Ms V Williams-WegmannGlos 07711 116292 vanessashihtzu@btconnect.com

Enquiries to Breed Education Co-ordinator

Linda Firth – linda.firth@sky.com