

B List

Candidates must have:

  1. 5 years’ experience of owning and exhibiting Cairns.
  2. judged the breed for a minimum of 4 years
  3. judged approximately 20 classes and 50 Cairns at Breed Club Limited Shows, Open Shows or Championship Shows without CCs.  Overseas judging appointments below CC level will not normally be taken into account
  4. have one Cairn Terrier entered in the Kennel Club Stud Book
  5. stewarded over a minimum of 2 days at Limit, Open or Championship show level
  6. attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer and passed the relevant examination on Requirements of a Dog Show Judge
  7. attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer on Conformation and Movement and passed a “hands on” assessment on completion
  8. attended at least one breed specific seminar or BAD Talk run in accordance with the relevant Kennel Club Code of Best Practice and passed an assessment or MCE on completion.  A maximum of five dogs from one seminar only may be included when counting the number of dogs judged.


A3 List

Candidates must have:

  1. minimum of 7 years’ experience of owning and exhibiting Cairns
  2. a minimum of 7 years’ experience of judging Cairns and the support of the United Kingdom Cairn Terrier Clubs Working Party
  3. judged 30 classes and 70 Cairns, at Breed Club Limited Shows, Open Shows or Championship Shows without CCs, with an adequate geographical spread.  Overseas judging appointments below CC level will not normally be taken into account
  4. judged one breed club Open Show.  Judging at breed club supported entry shows and Championship Shows without CCs will be taken into account
  5. stewarded at 12 shows
  6. owned or bred 3 dogs when they gained their first entry in the Kennel Club Stud Book (save in exceptional circumstances)
  7. fulfilled all the criteria for the B List

In order to progress to the A2 list, judges will need to have a minimum of 3 assessments which should be carried out:

i          at a breed club Open Show or Breed Club Limited Show, where judges may have 2 assessments carried out at the same time by 2 different Championship Show judges from the official KC approved list

ii         at a general canine society Open Show, where judges may have 2 assessments carried out at the same time by 2 different Championship Show judges from the official KC approved list provided there is a minimum of 12 dogs present.  If, however, there are between 5 and 11 dogs present, it will count as one assessment.

iii        at a seminar or breed club assessment day.  Only one of the 3 required assessments may be carried out in this way.  There will need to be a minimum of 5 dogs used and the assessment will require to be organised as a class in the usual way.  The assessor will have to be from the official KC approved list

iv       at mock classes set up in accordance with the Kennel Club Training Board Code of Best Practice.  Details of requirements can be found in the note given at the end of these criteria.


Clubs should arrange for assessment to take place as the judge undertakes a club Open or Limited Show appointment, if the judge so wishes.


A2 List

For persons who fulfil all the requirements for the A3 list and who have been assessed in accordance with Kennel Club requirements and accepted by The Kennel Club for inclusion on an A2 list, and have the support of the United Kingdom Cairn Terrier Clubs Working Party.



A1 List

For persons who have previously been approved by The Kennel Club to award CCs in the breed, have completed their first appointment and have the support of the United Kingdom Cairn Terrier Clubs Working Party.


Achievement of the above criteria will not mean automatic selection to a list




Exceptions to criteria (as per Kennel Club)

Note – non specialists – Judges are not required to have passed a hands-on assessment for their fourth CC breed onwards, however attendance at a seminar is recommended. Therefore this would apply to Group Judges as to be approvable to judge a Group a judge must have awarded CCs in at least three breeds.

Policy Judges (those who award CCs to 70% of the breeds in the Group) are able to be approved to award CC’s if they have judged 50% of the required numbers, therefore for Cairns this would be 35 dogs.


B List

Candidates must have:

a         a minimum of 5 years judging experience in any one Terrier breed, and the support of the United Kingdom Cairn Terrier Clubs Working Party

b         judged approximately 20 classes in this breed at Breed Club Limited Shows, Open Shows or Championship Shows without CCs (save in exceptional circumstances)

c         judged approximately 50 dogs in this breed.  Overseas judging appointments below CC level will not normally be taken into account

d         stewarded over a minimum of 2 days at Limited, Open or Championship level.  Existing CC judges exempt

g        attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer and passed the relevant examination on Kennel Club Regulations and Judging Procedures. Existing CC judges exempt.

h        attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer on Conformation and Movement and passed a “hands on” assessment on completion. Existing CC judges exempt.

i       attended at least one breed specific seminar or BAD Talk run in accordance with the relevant Kennel Club Code of Best Practice and passed an assessment or MCE on completion.  Or have attended and passed a KC Judges Development Programme. A maximum of five dogs from one seminar only may be included when counting the number of dogs judged.


A3 List

Candidates must have:

a         a minimum of 7 years judging experience in any one Terrier breed (to include 5 years in this breed) and have the support of the United Kingdom Cairn Terrier Clubs Working Party

b         judged a minimum of 30 classes in this breed at Breed Club Limited Shows, Open Shows or Championship Shows without CCs, with an adequate geographical spread

c         judged 70 dogs in this breed.  Overseas judging appointments below CC level will not normally be taken into account

d          owned or bred 3 dogs in any breed when they gained their first entry in the Kennel Club Stud Book (save in exceptional circumstances)

e          fulfilled all the criteria for the B List


In order to progress to the A2 list, judges will need to have a minimum of 3 assessments which should be carried out:

i          at a breed club Open Show or breed club Limited Show, where judges may have 2 assessments carried out at the same time by 2 different Championship Show judges from the official KC approved list

ii         at a general canine society Open Show, where judges may have 2 assessments carried out at the same time by 2 different Championship Show judges from the official KC approved list provided there is a minimum of 12 dogs present.  If, however, there are between 5 and 11 dogs present, it will count as one assessment.

iii        at a seminar or breed club assessment day.  Only one of the 3 required assessments may be carried out in this way.  There will need to be a minimum of 5 dogs used and the assessment will require to be organised as a class in the usual way.  The assessor will have to be from the official KC approved list

iv       at mock classes set up in accordance with the Kennel Club Training Board Code of Best Practice.  Details of requirements can be found in the note given at the end of these criteria. 

A2 List

For persons who fulfil all the requirements for the A3 list and who have been assessed in accordance with Kennel Club requirements and accepted by The Kennel Club for inclusion on an A2 list, and have the support of the United Kingdom Cairn Terrier Clubs Working Party. 

A1 List

For persons who have previously been approved by The Kennel Club to award CCs, have completed their first appointment in this breed and have the support of the United Kingdom Cairn Terrier Clubs Working Party. 

Achievement of the above criteria will not mean automatic selection to a list 

Note re Item iv of A2 assessment procedure  –  Mock Classes


This procedure enables the assessment of judges prior to inclusion on an A2 list to take place in a situation other than a licensed show.  It is essential that this procedure reflects exactly all the other aspects of assessment that would occur at a licensed show.  The mock classes should be run exactly as they would be at a show.  The assessment will take into account:


  • Ring Procedure
  • Appreciation of Breed Type 



A minimum of 12 dogs, preferably including dogs with enough variation in age and quality to enable the formation of at least two classes.  It is helpful for some dogs to be in more than one class to see how the candidate copes with repeat entries.

  • One steward
  • Two assessors
  • Ring laid out as it would be at a show



This should in all ways follow standard show procedure.

The candidate will judge the dogs in exactly the same way as they would at a licensed show.  This will include placing five dogs in order and writing a critique on the first two. 


The assessors will report their findings to the Kennel Club using the standard assessors’ form. 

Revised 2024